How Does Meditation Change Your Brain In 9 Surprising Ways!

Does meditation change your brain?

I asked this question to my friend the other day and his reply was, “Even if meditation changes the brain, my biggest challenge is I don’t know how to meditate”

Are you like my friend, who is aware about the benefits of meditation but is having a hard time when it comes to practicing meditation on a daily basis?

If your answer is ‘Yes’, then I would like to tell you that I was sailing in the same boat like you a few years ago. I had seen umpteen meditation videos, read books on it, however when it came to practicing meditation on a “consistent” basis, I struggled.

When I was doing my research, I stumbled upon a course which helped me learn how to set up a meditation practice effortlessly. I strongly suggest, you check it out once and if it’s appropriate for you then give it a try. Here is the link:

Master Your Mind – Beginner’s Meditation Course

Alright, coming back to my question: Does meditation change your brain?

The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’. In this post I am going to show you how you can enhance nine key brain regions through a regular meditation practice. I will also share with you how these key regions of the brain are related to your overall well-being and peace of mind.

Even scientists have agreed on the fact that meditation is the best way to build a better brain and it’s backed by 1000s of studies. So let’s dive in:

#1: Say Goodbye To Loneliness

Goodbye Loneliness

Loneliness like any emotion can leave us feeling overwhelmed. As this emotion gets intensified the brain begins to shut down and it becomes difficult to respond wisely. Do you know why this happens?

Neuroscientists tell us that when we feel isolated, one particular brain region the “Parietal Lobe” becomes overheated and due to which we feel separated from others. The “human connectedness” is lost and we start feeling helpless and all alone in the world.

To get rid of loneliness we need to find a way to cool or calm down the overheated ‘Parietal Lobe’. Now this is where meditation helps. Dr. Andrew Newberg, a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania took brain images of Tibetan Monks during meditation and compared that with people who are experiencing loneliness. He was surprised to see that for most meditators the parietal lobes had cooled off immensely as compared to an overheated parietal lobe for people experiencing loneliness.

This is the very reason why people who meditate regularly feel connected to everyone and everything around them. It is proven that regular meditation practice helps to cancel out the detrimental emotional and physical effects of loneliness.

#2: Boosts Creativity & Increases Brain Power

Left Brain v/s Right Brain

Your brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right. The two sides of your brain look very much alike however there is huge difference in how they process information. Scientific studies state that people are either left-brained or right-brained, meaning one side of your brain is dominant.

So if you are logical, analytical and methodical in your thinking then you are said to be left-brained, whereas if you are more intuitive, artistic or creative and less organized in your thinking then you are thought to be right-brained. It is important to note here that you don’t use only one side of your brain at a time. The two sides of the brain function differently however they work together and complement each other.

Neuroscientists have found from brain imaging studies that highly successful people in the world (like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson or Elon Musk) use both brain (left & right) in a much more balanced and integrated way than the rest of us. Even Albert Einstein is part of this category. So the question is how do you find more balance instead of a dominance of either left or right brain – The answer is through meditation.

Recent studies have found that “Corpus Callosum” is a band of nerve fibers that connect the left and right brain allowing communication between both the hemispheres. Now the study says that people who meditate regularly tend to have remarkably stronger, thicker ‘Corpus Callosum’ as compared to non-meditators. So if you are looking to maximize your potential and harmonize both the brain hemispheres for better focus, enhanced memory then start a daily meditation practice.

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#3: Say Goodbye To Insomnia

Statistics say that 1 out of 4 Americans are struggling with insomnia. Across the globe insomnia is on a rise. Insomnia is commonly referred as sleeplessness, it is sleep disorder wherein one finds it difficult to fall asleep mainly due to stress.

These days there is a lot of debate on sleep quality versus sleep quantity. Some say you need 8 hours of sleep, some say even 6 hours of good quality sleep is enough. Now, if you find yourself feeling tired, drowsy or fatigued after spending 8 hours in the bed then your sleep depth may be suffering.

A medical team at the Stanford University found that regular meditation molds the brain into a naturally deep sleeping machine. Neuroscientists have found a brainstem “Pons” in humans located above the medulla connecting the upper and lower part of the brain playing a key role in sleep patterns. It is observed that weakness or abnormality in ‘Pons’ leads to poor sleep.

The good news is that regular meditation practice strengthens the ‘Pons’ which in turn helps in having deep sleep every night.

#4: Bust Stress Forever

You cannot avoid stress, you need to learn how to manage stress. When you get stressed hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin surge through your body causing your heart to pump faster. Your blood sugar rises, your immune system is suppressed as the blood supply to your digestive organs is reduced.

Science has shown that medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) portion of the brain is extremely active in stressed people. What is mPFC ? It is often referred to as “me center”. It’s that portion of the brain wherein we have thoughts about ourselves i.e. either we worry about our future or ponder over our past. So when we get tensed or anxious this portion of the brain becomes hyperactive.

This “me center” is connected to another region of the brain which is called as the amygdala, this is often referred to as “fear center”. This is that portion of the brain which releases stress related hormones like cortisol, when we are fearful, anxious or worried.

Now these two regions (me center & fear center) of the brain work in tandem to cause stress. When you worry excessively the “me center” goes on an overdrive and this leads the “fear center” to release high levels of cortisol in the body.

Now think about this….when you constantly keep worrying and remain stressed the whole day, there is constant connection between these two regions of the brain. In fact the connection becomes so strong over a period that at times we lose control on self and may commit a heinous act.

Now the only way to weaken the connection between these two regions of the brain is through meditation. When you follow a regular practice of meditation, you become more present, you do not worry about your future nor brood over your past. Due to which the “me center” remains calm and this results in less or insignificant release of cortisol in our brains. All this finally leads to less stress, less anxiousness and more focus on the present.

#5: Boost your EQ

IQ or EQ

Daniel Goleman in his book “Emotional Intelligence” says EQ is slightly more important than IQ because it develops one’s ability to understand, judge and react to people around them. If one was simply intelligent and not able to get along with people then he will not be able to function well in order to succeed in life. People with high EQ usually tend to enjoy prosperous careers with fulfilling relationships. They are more generous, empathetic and self-motivated individuals.

In a study conducted in the University of Illinois it was found that one particular region in the brain “Temporoparietal Junction” (TPJ) is especially important in developing emotional intelligence. It is an area of the brain where temporal and parietal lobes meet. Daily meditation practice helps to activate the TPJ and helps in orienting your personality towards people.

#6: Combat Depression

Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The WHO claims that 1 out of 13 people globally suffers from major depressive disorder. Thankfully neuroscientists have understood how depression affects our brain and how to treat it.

In a study conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine it was found that among depressed patients a specific region in the brain called as “Hippocampus” was decreasing in size.

By adding meditation to your daily routine, it will help in strengthening and improving the thickness of the Hippocampus which in turn will act as a bullet proof to your brain to combat future attacks of anxiety and depression.

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#7: Improves Memory

Improves Memory

A number of studies carried out by neuroscientists have proven that there is a link between meditation practice and enhanced memory. Regular meditation increases blood flow to the brain, which leads to a stronger network of blood vessels in the cerebral cortex and reinforces memory capacity.

Research has shown that meditation increases the density of the hippocampus, a part of the brain connected to memory and learning. Like an ‘artist molding clay’, daily meditation helps in shaping the memory center into something which is more powerful.

#8: You Become More Kind & Compassionate

According to the latest science, true happiness does not come from “achieving & receiving” instead it comes from practicing compassion. By helping our fellow man or co-workers we feel connected to the people around us. Life takes a different meaning and purpose when we give expecting nothing in return or when we are kind just to be kind.

It is interesting to note that our brain has a region which is termed as a ‘pleasure center’. This region gets activated when we indulge ourselves into volunteering for a cause or donate to charity. Neuroscientists claim that the ‘Right Anterior Dorsal Insula” is very active in people who meditate regularly. Such people do not miss opportunities to spread the love and are no less than any humanitarians.

#9: Have An Einstein Brain (The Coolest of all)

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is perhaps the greatest scientist ever to walk the planet. It is said he had a unique and powerful brain. After his death, his brain was actually preserved and a number of photographs were taken. A team led by Dr. Dean Falk in the Florida State University conducted a study, wherein they compared Einstein’s brain images with those of 85 normal human brains and they found something unique.

Einstein had an extraordinary “prefrontal cortex” (PFC) which may have contributed towards his remarkable cognitive abilities. Neuroscientists have found that people who regularly meditate had more neural density, thickness and electrical activity within their prefrontal cortex. This is precisely what made Einstein’s brain unique. Imagine how your life will change if you had even a fraction of Einstein’s brilliance.

If you have read so far, you now know that how a daily mediation practice can open a whole new dimension of powerful benefits: less anxiety, better decisions, more focus, higher EQ and the list goes on.

There are enough studies and the neuroscientific community see meditation as a backbone for everyone who wants to lead a happy and successful life. So go ahead, build a daily meditation practice and discover a new life and a new you.

How To Steal The Genius of Einstein – Learn More

14 thoughts on “How Does Meditation Change Your Brain In 9 Surprising Ways!”

  1. Hi Satish,

    I have always been interested in meditation but I never quite got into it. Perhaps it is because nothing that I have read online explained meditation the way you do.

    I knew meditation was peaceful, but I did not know how much it could really change my life if I meditate daily.

    As an essential employee (in the medical field) I feel overwhelmed with stress daily. I have my own release (coloring) but sometimes that is not enough.

    I cant sleep at night because I have so much on my mind. I always feel exhausted by the end of the day, yet, sleep escapes me.

    Your article has explained thoroughly how beneficial daily meditation (with scientific research) can be for me in 9 powerful ways.

    I am going to start meditating daily. I look forward to seeing the results and I will make sure to come back and let you know how I am doing.

    Thank you!

  2. Hi Satish,

    Your website is Awesome and packed with valuable information. I have always wanted to know the procedure to meditate. Now, I also know the multiple benefits of meditation. Thanks for posting a great article. Something I will come back to time and time again. ?.

  3. Hi Satish,

    My wife works with the mind quite a bit. She also says our brains are plastic and can be molded however we want and this can be mostly done by meditating. Some people who are told they will never walk again, decide that the Doctors are wrong and then go on to prove it. Our minds develop new neuropathways just to show that it can happen if there is mind power that comes from inner focus.

    I enjoyed reading your post. As it just proves what our minds can do. Only if everyone meditated to make themselves emotionally stronger, there would be so much less violence and suicide in the world.

    • Hi Eric,

      You are absolutely correct, our mind is quite powerful and there are numerous studies which have proven that a daily meditation practice does help in developing emotional intelligence, less stress, less anxiousness and more focus on the present. Thanks for your comment ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  4. Hi Satish,

    Very interesting article and well explained. I have heard about people meditating and kinda observed how they would light candles and smell stuff but never really understood what it was about. I have sat in a few classes where you sit, close your eyes and relax. They tell you to let your self go but I don’t find anything happening. I end up thinking about things i am interested in doing or need to get done and take that time to think how I am going to do the task.

    How does one stop themselves from thinking about other things and start thinking about nothing? It’s all very confusing and seems a waste of time?

    • Hi Rick,

      One of main reasons why people fail during their meditation practice is because they are constantly trying to stop thinking. They are in some sense forcing their minds to be quiet. Our mind’s nature is to think, so allow the mind to think. The goal of meditation is not to stop thinking, instead it is to train our minds to be calm and relaxed when the mind is going all over the place.

      So next time when you sit for meditation and you come across various thoughts jumping in your mind (which will happen most of the time) don’t get upset over the fact that why is my mind not quiet, instead accept them and let them pass. This is by far the most important thing to note – Do not fight with your mind when you sit for your meditation practice ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  5. Hi Satish,

    Thanks for the informative post, I really enjoyed reading your article.
    I had no idea that meditating reduces the feeling of loneliness! I’ve started practicing mediation before my baby girl was born last year and, I have to admit, it actually improved my sleep and helped with releasing the stress (and there’s loads of it with a naughty toddler!). Meditation is definitely my life-savior at difficult times.

    • Hi Agnes,

      Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts on meditation. There are immense benefits of daily meditation practice and I am glad you have adopted the same. I am happy you enjoyed reading my post ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  6. Hi Satish,

    Wow! Very informative. I knew that meditation was good for you but I have no idea that it had such an impact on your brain. I personally struggle with falling asleep sometimes and after reading this article I might give meditation a try. The only problem is that I don’t know anything about meditation yet. Do you have any suggestion for a complete beginner as me?

    • Hi Delqna,

      Yes when you start practicing meditation you might feel drowsy and sleepy – This is normal, do not get upset over it. If you are new to meditation then start with breathe meditation…it is the simplest and easiest way to train your mind.

      Just sit comfortably, close your eyes and begin the practice of paying attention to every breath you inhale and exhale. Every time you breath in, feel the air going in and when you exhale, feel the air going out. As you exhale count 1. Do this with your next breath, as you exhale count 2 and so on till count 5. Repeat this cycle of breaths again from 1 to 5.

      You will start experiencing a sense calm and peace filling your mind. It’s a beautiful feeling wherein you are calm, alert and fully present. Try this for at least one month for 5 minutes daily and see the difference ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  7. Wow Satish! I just started meditating and I had no idea that it could help with the many things mentioned in this post. Insomnia? Memory? Dude, I need to meditate more! Thanks for sharing such valuable information!


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