Can ‘Brain Evolution System’ Retrain Your Brain – Review

If God were to give you one gift for the rest of your life – What would you ask for? The most common answers would be loads of wealth (perhaps a lottery ticket), good health, peace of mind, happiness, loving relationships etc.

Let me ask you an interesting question, what is the one thing that you need to have so that you can accumulate the wealth, attain good health, peace and happiness in life.

Think! Think! Before you read the answer.

The answer is “your state of mind” – If you think about this for a while, you will agree with me that your state of mind is everything in life. It truly dictates your life.

If you have the right state of mind you can bounce back from failure, you can have all wealth to live an abundant life, you can get back to shape and enjoy good health. You can truly lead a happy peaceful life – All this, my friend with the right state of mind.

You might be wondering – Is this so simple and straight forward. So, from tomorrow onward I am going to maintain a right state of mind and everything will fall in the right place – Right? Well, It is not that straight forward.

The key thing is “maintaining a right state of mind.” The challenge which I, you and probably majority of today’s generation is facing is “instability” when it comes to our state of mind.

If you look at your day, you will notice that your state of mind throughout the day is not the same; at times it is joyful, the very next minute it is worried, the next moment it becomes anxious, then irritated, frustrated, sad or angry.

If you can train your mind to remain ‘stable’ for most part of your day then you will notice how things start to fall in the right place. To help you on this, let me share with you “The Brain Evolution System”

This program has been developed as a “gym for the mind” helping you develop a strong, sharp and flexible brain. With continuous practice, this program will enable you to tap into peak performance state of mind on-demand – Isn’t that awesome!

What is the Brain Evolution System?

This is a six-month program comprising six levels which are specifically designed to retrain your mind so that it performs at peak levels at all times.

Over the six months, you will be exposed to brain entrainment audio tracks (MP3s) which enable you to retrain your brain with specific audio frequencies.

So in all, there are 6 audio tracks (essentially MP3s) one track for every level. So in Level 1, you need to listen to the audio track (pertaining to level1) for 30 minutes daily for six days a week for one month.

Then move to Level 2, listen to the audio track (pertaining to level 2) for 30 minutes daily for six days a week for one month. Likewise, follow the same practice till level six. You are supposed to listen to these tracks in a sequence i.e. starting from Level 1 to Level 6 in a manner stated above.

So just by listening to a simple MP3 recording, you can bring about a lasting, positive change in your life – Sounds too good to be true – Right!

Brain Evolution System – Check out the 30 – Day FREE Trial

That’s precisely why I decided to do more research on this program and try it myself. So before I share my experience let’s understand the science behind the system. There are two terminologies which are associated with the system: Brainwave and Brainwave Entrainment.

Have you come across these terms before? If No, let’s understand them.

What is a brainwave?

Brainwaves are produced in our brain. Our emotions, thoughts travel through the brain cells and communicate with each other in the form of electrical pulses and signals.

Millions of signals communicate with each other producing electrical activity in our brain. This, in turn, produces brain waves around our scalp. This electrical activity can be detected by using specialized equipment such as EEG (electroencephalograph).

Brainwaves are subject to change depending upon the changes in our thoughts and feelings. So when you feel sad or irritated there is a certain brainwave pattern which can be detected or measured. Similarly, when you feel euphoric or happy there is a certain brainwave or pattern which can be detected.

What will happen if you can stimulate the brain to create brainwaves that match a variety of beneficial states of mind; like deep relaxation or creativity – isn’t that great news!

Now think about this for a minute or two.

Imagine the profound impact it will have on your life as you will be able to perform from a state of mind which is more focused and calm – Hold on this thought as I explain to you the second terminology.

What is brainwave entrainment?

What happens to you when you walk into a club?

Within a few minutes, you will notice that the music (beats, drums) around you make you dance with the music. Even if you are standing, you may shake your head with the rhythm. This happens naturally to you – Isn’t it? Have you ever wondered why that happens?

I know you love that music or song and cannot resist but dance 🙂

However, there is a deeper phenomenon here. Researchers have found that the rhythmic, repetitive music carries certain frequencies which actually sync with or entrain with our mind and makes you dance. They further went on to claim that ‘sound is vibration’ it is composed of frequencies. Our brain also carries frequencies. So if a person listens continuously to a particular sound or music then after some time our brain attempts to follow the frequency pattern of that music – Think about this for moment.

Do you want to test this now?

Just close your eyes, slip a pair of headphones and listen to sounds of gentle ocean waves or raindrops or the sound of breeze rushing through the trees and you would notice after a while you will start to experience peace and feel relaxed. This happens naturally, that’s the key, because the brain follows the soothing frequencies and this in turn stimulates your brainwave patterns, helping you to feel more relaxed. The sounds or music changes your state of mind.

So when the brain listens to a particular frequency, it attempts to follow the frequency pattern naturally. This natural process of following a frequency pattern is know as “brainwave entrainment”

The Brain Evolution System uses this knowledge and makes use of a highly specialized audio process to play special frequencies into each ear, which in turn creates states of mind associated with improved brain functioning.

Related Post: Does Brainwave Entrainment Work?

It gets better because…

The Brain Evolution System ensures more powerful results than other methods by utilizing its exclusive proven 3-Point Dynamic Entrainment Audio Process (3P DEAP)

Graphic Presentation of 3P DEAP
The 3P DEAP technology combines the three most effective brainwave entrainment methods available (as seen in the image) to match the complexity of your brain’s natural brainwave rhythms, for the greatest possible success.

My experience till now…

I am still on Level 1. To be frank with you initially I found it quite challenging taking out 30 minutes daily for this program. So initial few weeks I used to listen only for 15 minutes. I noticed in some sessions I used to feel relaxed and in some nothing.

However, since last 3 weeks I have been diligently practicing this for 30 minutes. This time I have noticed that there is an increase in relaxation and reduction in stress. When I say a reduction in stress – I mean, my anxiety levels have come down because I used to worry a lot and often used to engage in thoughts about my future which would keep me preoccupied, anxious and take my attention away from the present moment. This has motivated me to stick with this program and now I have made up mind to maintain this momentum and complete this program in the coming months.

Brain Evolution System: 30-Day FREE Trial

The CORE of Brain Evolution System: The Six Levels

Level 1: Transcendence

The primary focus of Level 1 is to allow your brain to acclimatize to the system. By listening to this level you will get acquainted with your primary meditative ability i.e. the ability to slow down rhythms of the body, allowing thoughts to come to the mind (not questioning them or judging the thoughts), letting them pass and simply relax.

Level 2: Lucid Echoes

In this level your brain will be exposed to different frequencies along with simulated disturbances (like the noise of clanging bells) in order to help train the brain to relax amongst slight distractions. This level is important as the brain develops a capacity to stay calm in the presence of stress.

Level 3: Infinity

In this level the focus is to enhance your relaxation abilities amidst distractions which are slightly a notch higher as compared to level 2. While listening to this MP3 one can unearth hidden memories, emotions rooted in your subconscious mind. The goal is again to have a calm mind in the presence of stress.

So the focus of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 is to train your mind to remain relaxed, calm especially when you find yourself in stressful moments.

Level 4: Crystal Rain

The focus of this level is to stay balanced as you reach deeper states of relaxation. Our mind offers a lot of resistance towards unpleasant circumstances or memories. As you listen to this level the resistance starts to ebb away, and it is here where your intuition is enhanced and you become more mindful of the situation.

Level 5: Neptune’s Cave

In this level your brain is exposed to frequencies which takes you into the space between being awake and sleep. In other words you become more alert i.e. you can hear your surroundings, but you can’t move. It is as if you have become consciously unconscious. These frequencies train the brain to stay alert.

Level 6: Fusion

The final level of this system helps to integrate all your brain has done in the last 5 months. This level allows your brain to access balanced frequencies amidst strong fluctuations of the highs and lows. The brain develops the capacity to easily access state of balance amidst any fluctuations and find conscious balance.

So the focus of Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 is to train your mind to find balance and focus amidst stress.

How much does the Brain Evolution System cost?

As I write this post they are providing 30 day FREE trial of this system wherein you can have access to Level 1. After the free trial, if you decide to continue then the next 5 levels will cost a discounted $99 per month, over the next 3 months. So in all this system will cost you $297 over 3 months.

Special Discount Code

This is a limited period offer, wherein you can have access to this whole system at a one-time payment of $100 thereby saving $197. To avail this one-time offer follow these steps:

Click on this link – Brain Evolution System – Special Discount Offer

A new page will open, then click on this “Start Your Free Trial Now”


Then the Order Page will open. On the page look for this line “If you have a voucher code, click here” (see attached image).

Enter this voucher code BE39169 and complete the order page.

That’s it – It’s a done DEAL! You now have the entire system at $100 and saved $197.

Is there any Money Back Guarantee?

They have a 7-month money back guarantee program in place. So if you are not happy for any reason, you will get your entire money back. It is a totally unconditional seven month guarantee which even their competitors can’t offer.

This unconditional guarantee makes Brain Evolution System completely risk free. This clearly shows the confidence the developer has on this system.

This program is not for…

Few people should not be using this system. These include anyone who is under 18 years old. Any pregnant ladies or anyone suffering from epilepsy, seizures or any psychiatric disorder, and those who wear a pacemaker. Lastly for someone who does not have 30 minutes of spare time during the day for themselves.

My final verdict

As I told you I am few weeks into this so I cannot guarantee any of the above user experiences, that said I am experiencing deep relaxation as I stated above and will be sticking to this program. Consistency is what brings better results.

It is sometimes difficult to find 30 minutes of spare time, however this investment in time is well worth the results. Here is what I do when I skip a day or two, I just add those number of days of further listening to the mp3 before I move to next level.

I suggest you do the same thing and don’t get disappointed and stop. Remember this is a 6-month process and each mp3 is vital and there is a reason you need to listen to each one for 30 days. So stick with this program.

Also, lastly for people who think that the mp3 has to do all the work and they can simply doze off or go into a passiveness while listening to them would not really find the best value. Do not look at these mp3s as a crutch rather look at them as a guiding post.

You are required to be involved by holding your awareness while the mp3 is playing – What I mean by this, you do not need to listen to every sound of mp3 but be in a state of openness towards what thoughts arise in you, get a sense of how your brain is reacting and get a sense of the resistances in you. It is all about being “conscious” and without your commitment towards being “conscious” you can’t allow for a conscious balance to take place.

So go ahead my friend, do not hesitate and try Brain Evolution System and see the results for yourself. I hope you enjoyed reading the article as much as I enjoyed writing it, feel free to share your questions or comments.

“Brain Evolution System – Get Started”

Please note I receive compensation if you click on any links mentioned in this post to purchase a product or service from the third party website. Also, purchasing a product or service from above links does not increase your purchase price, however it is a great way to thank me if you enjoy my content and find my suggestions useful. I only recommend products and services that I have personally used or thoroughly researched.

20 thoughts on “Can ‘Brain Evolution System’ Retrain Your Brain – Review”

  1. Hi Satish,

    Wow, it sounds truly amazing! I’ve heard of binaural beats but never heard of brain entrainment. I wonder if you can completely reprogram a set-up of your brain from being a negative person to become a positive and happy person?
    I’ve been thinking about trying this program, it’s very tempting.

    • Hi Ella,

      If there is anything that is the important in life, is having a stable and right ‘state of mind’. This program has been developed as a “gym for the mind” helping you develop a strong, sharp and flexible brain. So to answer your question – YES, you can transform from a negative to a positive person.

      With continuous practice, this program will enable you to tap into peak performance state of mind on-demand. This is a six-month program comprising six levels which are specifically designed to retrain your mind so that it performs at peak levels at all times. Wishing you all the best with this program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  2. Hi Satish,

    Great article. I have some audio that I use called binuaral beats and another one that sends out subliminal messages and I notice you have a article on the Raikov Effect. I have actually bought that program and used it. Let me tell you now. It is brilliant.
    Inspire three and Karl Moore are a great company. I actually done a trust pilot reveiw on them. Brilliant article. Thanks.

    • Hi Adrian,

      Glad to hear from you, thanks for sharing your experience. The Brain Evolution System ensures more powerful results than other methods by utilizing its exclusive proven 3-Point Dynamic Entrainment Audio Process (3P DEAP). The 3P DEAP technology combines the three most effective brainwave entrainment methods available to match the complexity of your brain’s natural brainwave rhythms, for the greatest possible success.

      You are right I have a post on Raikov Effect. It uses the power of the human mind to bring about amazing results. Inspire3 is indeed a great publishing company producing personal development programs based on science and Karl Moore is heading the company. Good to know that you are ambassador and recommend their programs ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  3. Hi Satish,

    I had never heard of this Brain Evolution System, but it sounds really interesting. I firmly believe the brain can be trained, although it’s easier said than done. Currently, I find myself looking for a change in my life. I must confess I just let time slip by, but didn’t really do anything to generate any change. I need to train my brain. By the way, does this have relation with neuro linguistic programming? It sounds a little bit similar.
    I’d like to give this program a try, but I don’t think I can afford it right now. I will look into it and hopefully I’ll give it a try soon.
    Thanks for writing this up.

    • Hi Enrique,

      Yes, you can train your brain. This is a six-month program comprising six levels which are specifically designed to retrain your mind so that it performs at peak levels at all times. In this program you will be exposed to brain entrainment audio tracks (MP3s) which enable you to retrain your brain with specific audio frequencies.

      Brainwave entrainment uses recorded frequencies to synchronize the brain’s pattern to certain frequencies which are known to have a positive affect, similar to when meditating. Whereas, NLP or Neuro Linguistic programming is a modern extension of hypnosis, it is a technique using the language of psychology to manipulate and subconsciously affect a new pattern of behavior.

      Wishing you all the very best with this program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  4. Hi Satish,

    I imagine that you listen to the recordings in a quiet place without interruptions. Having a great set of sound deadening headphones would be a great help. As with any type of self-help product, if you don’t use it as described, you don’t get all of the benefits. With any meditation program, would you want to be in a room without visual distractions or wear eyeshades?

    • Hi John,

      Yes, ideally you should listen to these MP3s in a quiet place, free from all distractions. The Brain Evolution System makes use of a highly specialized audio process to play special frequencies into each ear, which in turn creates states of mind associated with improved brain functioning. So great pair of headphones will definitely help the process, Wishing you all the best with this program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  5. Hi Satish,

    This is a very interesting post/review. I found the brainwave and brainwave entertainment information very interesting. It’s pretty cool how they work. My brainwaves must really be messed up because my thoughts are all over the place. I have anxiety issues that keeps my mind hopping all over the place. This program sounds like something I could use. I already have some relaxation exercises I practice, but this seems more intense. It’s a little beyond what I can afford right now, so I’ll have to save my money. I was wondering what the mp3’s consist of. Is it some kind of music or just certain tones? I appreciate this review and the information. Thank you.

    • Hi Lynn,

      I am glad you found this post useful. The program uses specially-crafted sounds to help influence your brainwaves, bringing profound benefits – such as get rid of all social anxieties and phobias. Sharper thinking, more energy, greater relaxation, better problem solving skills, and much more!

      Each level of the program (MP3s) features a relaxing mix of all-natural sounds – coupled with the exclusive 3P DEAP brainwave entrainment technology. There are no subliminal messages anywhere in the six levels.

      When you are ready, use the special discount voucher code mentioned in the post to avail the entire system in $100. If you are not happy for any reason, you will get your entire money back. It is a totally unconditional seven month guarantee which even their competitors can’t offer. I wish you all the best with this program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  6. Hi Satish

    It is so true, without a good mindset we don’t have much going for us.

    Our thought processes control our being, our whole life. What we think we are and we become. If we think negative, negativity will come, if we think positive, positivity will come. It is a guarantee. If we really take an honest look at how we think and where we are today in life, that truth would be presented.

    I know from first-hand experience that it is very hard to change patterns, routines of daily life, and thinking styles. But with repetitiveness and determination, one can change there whole lives!

    The duration of this program is “Six Months” it looks a little long, but I think, when you are training your mind we need to patient. I am willing to invest 6 months for have a mind that performs at peak levels at all times

    • Hi Cindy,

      You are absolutely right with your views and I do agree “Six Months” is a little long. I have always believed if you wish to achieve anything in life “being consistent” is of utmost importance. if you want a great body, you need to invest time and work daily on your body in a gym or at home. The same logic applies to our mind, if you wish to have a mind that performs at peak then you need to work towards it.

      Brain Evolution System has been developed as a “gym for the mind” helping you develop a strong, sharp and flexible brain. I wish you all the best with this program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  7. Hi Satish

    Thank you for your very informative Review. I have never heard of the “Brain Evolution System before, but base on your review, it sounds like it is an excellent program. I think that would do well in helping anyone who wants to maintain “a right state of mind,” and would be very helpful to those who worry a lot.

    I like the part about the brainwave entrainment and dancing, that is so true. It is hard to stand still for long when music is playing.

    You did a great job in providing valuable information on the program. After reading your review, I strongly feel I should try this program (and I will), I think this will help not just me but everyone who wishes to train their mindset.

    Thank you so much….

    • Hi Jackie,

      I am glad you found this post helpful. You are absolutely correct Brain Evolution System will help you train your mind to remain ‘stable’ for most part of your day. It is a six-month program comprising six levels which are specifically designed to retrain your mind. I wish you all the best with your program ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  8. Hi Satish,

    Excellent !!! That’s what I have to say about your review of the Brain Evolution System. I’ve read others reviews in others websites and now I am sure that BrainEv is a worth it give it a go. I hope to try it in the future for emotional mastery and sharper thinking.

  9. Hi Satish,

    This is a new concept to me and I appreciate your well-written and thorough description of the brain evolution system. I am only beginning to discover the intricate processes of the brain and I have tried to change mine through diet, physical exercise, and mental exercise. I am fascinated by your article and the new concept that you have introduced to me. Thank you for sharing the discount code.

    • Hi Theresa,

      I am glad you like the post. It is all about our state of mind, if we can maintain the right state of mind then practically do anything. With Brain Evolution System you can train your mind to remain ‘stable’ for most part of your day. With continuous practice, this program will enable you to tap into peak performance state of mind on-demand – Isn’t that awesome!

      I wish you all the best with this program and “yes” do use the discount code before it expires ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  10. Hi Satish,

    A very interesting product I must say because I’ve been recently meditating with music based on different megahertz’s. And I’ve learned that Chakras have different tones and Tibetan singing bowls are used to heal and cleanse Chakras. Is this product based on to similar idea?

    • Hi Mari,

      The Tibetan Singing Bowls are an ancient technology, about 2500 years old, for stimulating our brainwaves. Just like the Brainwave Entrainment, Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowl create a pulsation of sound to entrain our brain.

      Tibetan Singing Bowls create a pulsating tone, that feels good and helps you to relax. The more you listen the deeper you relax, as your brainwaves begin to entrain with the Tibetan Singing Bowl’s tone.The benefit of this entrainment is that your brain waves can be “toned” so that you can deliberately experience pleasant and/or productive mental/emotional states.

      Chakras are the connection between the spiritual aspect of our being and the physical. Tibetan Singing Bowls naturally cause Chakras to self correct. The sound waves, in the form of sine waves run correcting frequencies to the unbalanced chakras, bringing them back to normal functioning.

      The Brain Evolution System uses highly specialized audio process to play special frequencies into each ear, which in turn creates states of mind associated with improved brain functioning. It is based on the idea that “sound is vibration” and it is composed of frequencies. Our brain also carries frequencies. Now when a person listens continuously to a particular sound or music then after some time our brain attempts to follow the frequency pattern of that music. Hope this helps ~ Stay Blessed 🙂


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