Learning How To Meditate – For Beginners

Are you someone who has heard about meditation and are aware that meditation has a lot of benefits however wonder as to how to meditate or how long should I meditate then you are at the right place. In this article you will learn a simple 3 step meditation practice which you can put into action right away.

Before I share with you a simple 3 step process, I want to first bust a common myth about meditation. It is important while you are learning how to meditate (especially if you are a beginner) to get this myth out of your mind.

Myth: Meditation = No thoughts in mind ?

This is not true. One of main reasons why people fail during their meditation practice is because they are constantly trying to stop thinking. They are in some sense forcing their minds to be quiet. Our mind’s nature is to think, so allow the mind to think. The goal of meditation is not to stop thinking, instead it is to train our minds to be calm and relaxed when the mind is going all over the place.


So next time when you sit for meditation and you come across various thoughts jumping in your mind (which will happen most of the time) don’t get upset over the fact that why is my mind not quiet, instead accept them and let them pass. This is by far the most important thing to note – Do not fight with your mind when you sit for your meditation practice.


To learn how to setup a daily meditation practice effortlessly, I highly recommend you check out >>> Master Your Mind Beginner’s Meditation Course


How to develop a daily meditation practice – 3 Step Process

How To Meditate

Just by following this 3 step process regularly, you will be on your way to establish a daily meditation practice.

Easy Meditation For Beginners:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit:

Find the quietest place at your home, make sure you are not surrounded by electronic gadgets or any noise making device. Choose a place that is clean and there is no litter around. Make sure the room is dimly lighted or preferably dark because it is difficult for the mind to rest in a bright or a lit up room. Avoid sitting on your bed, instead you can sit on a chair or grab a yoga mat and sit cross-legged on the floor.

Your posture plays a very important role, so make sure you do not slouch or bend your back while sitting. Maintaining a straight spine is key and also try to be still during the entire meditation practice (tip: if your body remains still, it will help your mind to become calm faster).

Burn incense sticks (this is optional) I prefer doing this as the pleasant smell makes me feel good. Also, in order to make meditation a daily practice, make sure you sit in the same place. This really helps because when you sit in the same place day after day, you will notice that your mind will automatically prepare itself to calm down. The place will act like a trigger for your mind to calm down.

2. Close your eyes and count every breath you take:

Now that you are seated comfortably, close your eyes and begin the practice of paying attention to every breath you inhale and exhale. Every time you breath in, feel the air going in and when you exhale, feel the air going out. As you exhale count 1. Do this with your next breath, as you exhale count 2 and so on till count 5. Repeat this cycle of breaths again from 1 to 5.

Breathe Meditation

During the initial days, weeks or sometime months you will notice that your mind gets distracted in thoughts and you lose count of breath. It is absolutely normal, as thoughts appear, acknowledge them and bring your attention back to your breathing and counts. Every time a thought appears, let is pass like clouds in sky. Your goal is to remain focused on breathing and count silently in your mind, one breath at a time.

3. Staying alert and awake:

This can be a challenge for you, as you focus on breathing and relax, you might feel drowsy and lose track of your breaths. Again this is normal, do not get upset, this is where you need to train your mind to focus on breathing and counting. With practice, you will see, you are able to count the breath from 1 to 5 without getting distracted. You will start experiencing a sense calm and peace filling your mind. It’s a beautiful feeling wherein you are calm, alert and fully present.

When you are done, open your eyes and slowly stretch your hand and legs. Sit for few minutes and soak in the feeling of bliss and peace.

That’s easy meditation for beginners.

How much time should I meditate ?

You must be wondering how much time should I meditate daily. Are you are beginner learning how to meditate then I would say start with 2 minutes every day. I am sure you will able to spare 2 minutes. Get a timer, set it at two minutes and start the 3 step process explained above.

Gradually increase the meditation time to 5 minutes, perhaps after 2 weeks or after 1 month (suit yourself). It is important to cultivate the habit of sitting down for few minutes daily and train your mind rather than focusing on how much time I am meditating.

Mastering the art of letting go & paying attention

By making meditation a daily practice, you will definitely master the art of letting go which in other words means you will accept everything as it is. This is profound. During your meditation practice, as you start observing your thoughts and let them go, in some sense you are accepting things as they are, you stop fighting with situations and circumstances.

Let Go...

By counting every breath and focusing on breathing patterns, you will develop the art of paying attention which will immensely help you to focus on the present. Trust me this a tremendous power you are cultivating which will only make you better.

Make it a part of your lifestyle

One of the best ways to learn meditation is to make it a part of your lifestyle. Let’s start TODAY!

To learn how to setup a daily meditation practice effortlessly, I highly recommend you check out >>> Master Your Mind Beginner’s Meditation Course

10 thoughts on “Learning How To Meditate – For Beginners”

  1. I have been attempting to meditate for several months. For whatever reason I always thought i was doing some thing wrong because i could stop my brain from thinking. It’s good to know that it’s normal to think. I was also always concerned about the amount of time I was able to meditate. 2 min’s is easy and simple to get started and make it a habit.

    thanks for the info!

  2. I have heard meditation all the time and have never tried it before, but after reading your post, I will give it a go!
    Thank you for the great information!

  3. Thank you for this and I will add it to my daily mental health work.
    You have given me a simple way to let go and relax, and I need as many tips for this as I can get!

  4. I’ve tried to make meditation my habit but after the first few days, I will eventually forget about it. After reading your article, Ive learnt that 2 minutes a day can make the habit. Will try it starting from today, thank you Satish!

  5. Satish,
    I have tried meditation several times only to just let it go. What is your tip on making sure that it is done daily. I do have a schedule for working at home, should this just be a part of my work schedule.
    I like your tip and instructions on getting started, I need a a push to keep meditation on my daily schedule.

    • Hey John,

      I completely understand what you are saying. I have been there as well, my suggestion is start meditating for 2 mins daily. I am sure we all can afford to take 2 mins for ourselves. Gradually increase the time.

      It is important to start and stick with the meditation practice, even if it is for 2 mins daily. As you notice the benefits, you will yourself increase the time. I hope this pushes you to meditate daily 🙂


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