Pema Chodron Online Course – The Freedom To Love

Pema Chodron Online Course The Freedom To Love is a six-session training course that will teach you practices that will help you tap into your natural compassion and joy within you.

  • Do you often get stuck amidst constant fears and frustrations that seem to never end?
  • Are you yearning to love and connect with others more deeply?

If you have been struggling with the matters of the heart then this course will help you open your heart, counter the distortions in your relationships with yourself and others, and allow you to deepen into yourself.

The premise of this course is based on cultivating four limitless qualities in you i.e. lovingkindness, equanimity, compassion, and joy. You will discover how to apply these qualities effectively and work with your inner obstacles such as fear, a sense of lack or jealousy, biasness and use them as the fuel to awaken the natural and boundless capacity of your heart.

Before I share the details of the course, let me introduce you to the author of this course.

Meet Your Teacher

Pema Chodron

Ani Pema Chodron currently teaches in the United States and Canada and plans for an increased amount of time in solitary retreat under the guidance of Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.

She is interested in helping establish Tibetan Buddhist monasticism in the West, as well as continuing her work with western Buddhists of all traditions, sharing ideas and teachings. Her non-profit, The Pema Chödrön Foundation, was set up to assist in this purpose.

She has written several books, including The Wisdom of No Escape, Start Where You Are, When Things Fall Apart, The Places That Scare You, No Time to Lose, Practicing Peace in Times of War, How to Meditate, and Living Beautifully. You can find the Pema Chodron Collections here.

Session Highlights – What Will You Learn

Session One: Open Your Heart

  • This session introduces you to the Four Immeasurable (Four Limitless Qualities) lovingkindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity.
  • Pema says practicing these four limitless qualities is like a workout that stretches the heart beyond its current capabilities. It will train us in expanding the capacity of love and encountering resistance within us.
  • You will learn how to tap into your inherent nature and stay open to the movie of your life.

Session Two: Expand Your Boundaries

  • This session teaches you how to expand the four limitless qualities by acknowledging the love, compassion, joy equanimity that you feel now and nurture it as you practice.
  • You will discover the power to loosen up useless habits and to melt the ice-hardness of your fixations and defenses.
  • Towards the end of the session, you will come to know the difference between a closed & an open mind and develop the self-awareness & kindness you need to benefit others.

Session Three: Transforming Suffering Into Happiness

  • Understand the three kinds of suffering, all-pervading pain, the pain of alternation, and the pain of pain.
  • You will learn through the session how to accept yourselves, how to relate directly with suffering, how to stop running away from painful aspects of your lives.
  • How to seek ‘Ultimate Liberation’ by working openheartedly with life just as it is.

Session Four: The Practice Of Loving-kindness

  • Pema says it is never too late to practice loving-kindness, in fact, she goes on to say developing loving-kindness and an unconditional friendship with ourselves is the key to contentment and joy.
  • Learn the three-step aspiration practice which combines mindfulness and appreciation to connect fully with reality and that brings you joy.
  • Learn about three enemies of loving-kindness i.e. pity, overwhelm, and idiot compassion, and discover tools to practice loving-kindness.

Session Five: Befriend Your Fear, Anger, and Sadness

  • Know your fears ‘really well’ so that you can develop an attitude of “Openness” and less of “Resistance”.
  • How does anger feel? How does sadness feel? Where is it in your body? Learn how to work with the energy of anger, the energy of disappointment, and the energy of fear.
  • Learn the ‘Compassion Abiding Practice’ to befriend your fear, anger, and sadness.

Session Six: Cultivate Joy & Gratitude

  • How to train your mind to rejoice even the smallest blessing that life holds for you.
  • How do we learn to relate with what seems to stand between us and the happiness we deserve?
  • Learn the three traditional methods for relating directly with difficult circumstances as a path of awakening and joy.

Bonus Programs

You have access to two bonus programs which is a part of this online course:

1. Pema Chodron’s The Three Commitments – Walking The Path Of LiberationPema Chodron's The Three Commitments

In this program Pema provides teachings and practices for fully embracing life’s ephemeral nature, using three traditional monastic vows or commitments:

  • The Pratimoksha vows – How we can find personal liberation through the inner work of letting go.
  • The Bodhisattva vows – The way of genuine and compassionate service to others.
  • The Tantric vows – How to accept impermanence with true equanimity and touch the underlying stillness from which all worldly forms arise.

Audio download: 7 hours, 45 minutes.

2. Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings on Love

Thich Nhat Hanh's Teachings on Love

A perfect complement to Pema Chödrön’s online course, Thich Nhat Hanh offers detailed practices for fostering understanding and intimacy in any kind of relationship: between lovers, parents and children, and others. A modern classic for anyone who yearns for a deeper, more joyful love, which Thich Nhat Hanh calls a miracle.

Audio download: 2 hours, 30 minutes.

How Much Does This Course Cost

As I write this post, this course is available at a deep discounted one-time price of $197. The original price of this program is $297, so take advantage of this promotional offer till the time it is available.

They also have an installment option (for a limited time only), wherein you can access this program by paying 3 monthly installments of $69 only.

If you are not 100% satisfied for any reason, simply return it for a full refund for up to one year. With a 100% Money Back Guarantee there is nothing to lose.

Final Thoughts

We all experience loneliness, sorrow, and fear. Pema Chodron says it is our apparent pain – That is the rich, dark soil for the seeds of happiness to grow. With The Freedom to Love, Pema Chodron invites you to start wherever you are, with all the challenges, suffering, and worries that you may be facing – externally and within – and use them as the fuel to awaken the natural and boundless capacity of your heart.

The Freedom to Love will engage you with written teachings, insightful and supportive video and audio sessions, weekly self-reflection practices, and meditations, plus two sessions recorded with Pema Chödrön answering questions from a live audience. I hope you’ll choose to meet your inner obstacles and experience your true nature, one filled with lovingkindness, compassion, happiness, connection, and limitless potential.

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14 thoughts on “Pema Chodron Online Course – The Freedom To Love”

  1. Hi Satish,

    The courses offered are well needed in today’s world, we are so busy sometimes we ask people how are you , not because we care but just asking because it is the expected thing to do, knowing how to love and be compassionate is very important for your own wellbeing, I have shared this post on my social media page in the hope that it will help someone.

    • Hi Ruthlyn,

      Self-love and Self-compassion underscores the importance of showing ourselves some love; beyond the fact that it simply feels good and makes us happier when we love and forgive ourselves ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  2. Hi Satish,

    I love doing yoga and also some short meditations every day. This course definitely has some value. To be fair I never heard of Ani Pema Chodron. I am gonna get one of her books because this is something I am really interested in. Have you ever read any of her books, any recommendations? Thanks for the detailed description of the course, seems to be interactive and joyful, I’ll bookmark your page.

  3. Hi Satish,

    Now, this is what the world needs, not another game that is just about hurting and killing each other. There is way too much anger and violence in the world today because they don’t connect with themselves and each other. I can see the problems getting worse as time goes on,

    Religion used to teach a lot of this albeit not at the awesome level Pema teaches it. And THAT is what the world is missing today, love thy self and then you can love your neighbor. This is a great program that I would recommend to anyone wishing to connect within themselves which no doubt will help rid the negative’s from our mind. Thanks for the review.

    • Hi Rick,

      I cannot agree with you more, thanks for sharing your views. In all the greatest spiritual traditions, at their heart is tenderness, just to be kind inside, and then everything rights itself. Fear rests. Confusion rests. Learning to practice self-kindness will take time and practice. This course from Pema Chodron will help you in creating a self kindness practice ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  4. Hi Satish,

    Thanks for sharing this online course with me. I started being interested in meditation, spirituality and finding my purpose a few weeks ago. I started investing in training courses, books and programs. I kind of have a lot on my list, but this program seems like a good fit for me so I will add it on my list 🙂

    • Hi Delyana,

      This course will help you to engage and connect with love not only with others but also with you more deeply. If you’ve ever had the opportunity of attending a dharma talk with her (Pema), then you know that Pema’s Q&A discussions often reveal her most unexpected, entertaining, and memorable insights. Take this course to awaken the natural and boundless capacity of your heart and live your life with limitless potential ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  5. Hi Satish,

    Thank you for this breakdown. I have tried to meditate but I just cant reach that point of nothingness on my head. I see Ani Pema Chodron teaches a number of things including meditation. Besides, those are very much needed courses especially during this pandemic where most people are lonely and social contact lacks in all sorts of ways. I hope this information lands on someone who feels lost and needs a sense direction towards internal freedom.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Satish,

    I’m reading this just a day after having a miscarriage, in one of the most sorrowful times of my life. I have been talking with spiritual advisors trying to figure out the why’s and the how’s and I noticed a persistent theme that is perfectly reflected in your description of Pema Chödrön’s course; This really resonated with me: “Pema Chodron says it is our apparent pain – That is the rich, dark soil for the seeds of happiness to grow. ” I really feel this to be true as I dig inward and look for meaning and ways that I can improve myself in honor of my lost baby boy. This course sounds very relevant and helpful to people like me going through these soul-searching moments.

    • Hi Annmarie,

      I am sorry to know about your miscarriage. Be gentle with yourself, and take all the time you need to heal. Remember you’re not alone. Wishing you any and everything you need to bring you comfort during this time ~ Stay Blessed 🙂

  7. Hi Satish,

    Thank you very much for this enlightening article, I used to meditate more often and it seems things went a lot smoother, I definitely need to get back in the groove as life and kids keep getting on the way! I am going to recommit to getting up early and meditating in that magical time right before the sunrise at dawn.

    Once again great job I am sure this information will help many people who really need peace of mind!

    • Hi Randi,

      I happy to see you motivated and recommitting to the habit of meditating. The more responsibility you have in life, more is the need for meditation. If you have nothing to do, you may not need meditation as much – because you have nothing to do. The busier you are, the less time you have, more work you have, more desires you have, ambitions you have – all the more you need to be meditative. Because meditation not only relieves you of stress and strain, it enhances your abilities to face challenges ~ Stay Blessed 🙂


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