Mindfulness – Have you come across this word ? Perhaps, you have read about it or have heard it before ? I am guessing you are nodding your head as ‘Yes’.
Wait a second, here is the most important question: Are you experiencing the benefits of mindfulness ?
Let me tell you, there is no point in reading a bunch of articles on mindfulness or attending a workshop and then moving on with your life. It is vital that you make mindfulness a part of your daily routine and reap its benefits.
Are you struggling here ? Be honest.
I believe you are aware about mindfulness, its benefits, perhaps, you have even attempted it few times however, didn’t find much success. Probably, you are not experiencing the benefits or are unable to practice it regularly due to which you have already given up 🙁
Will you give me a chance to help you ? I need your next 5 minutes, I want to share with you what I did to make mindfulness a daily practice. I will tell you how I started to experience the benefits of mindfulness – Hope this will motivate you to start all over again 🙂
Before we get into the program details, let me introduce you to the creator of this program.
Who is Greg Thurston ?
Greg Thurston designed the 7 minute mindfulness program. He apparently had a tough time growing up as a child and struggled with stress of everyday life.
As stated in his book (which comes with this program) when he was 10 years old the measurable difference in length between Greg’s right and left legs was 12 cm (or 4.7 inches). His right leg is weak, and visibly thinner than the left and there is bone deformity which complicated things for him.
So for 26 years he lived with constant pain and a body that refused to cooperate. His spine was out of alignment, his hips had twisted to accommodate the difference and every step was a bit of torture.
Fortunately, for Greg the answer arrived in the form of a meditation class. His relief from pain started when he started to calm his mind, and reconnecting to his body. He learned to ‘listen’ to his body. Then, the rest as they say is all history.
What is 7 Minute Mindfulness ?
It is a unique program, consisting of audio tracks, specifically designed to experience the benefits of mindfulness in just 7 minutes. To be frank with you, what truly attracted me towards this program is these words ‘7 Minutes’ and after going through the program, I can confidently say, it is possible to experience the benefits of mindfulness in just seven minutes. Of course, the key thing here is consistent practice.
All you need to do is download the audio tracks and start playing them. These are guided meditation tracks, just play them and let the tracks connect you to the present moment and sink you into deep relaxation.
For me personally, the one thing I have always experienced after listening to these audio tracks is a sense of calm and relaxation. My frenzy mind, which is overwhelmed with thoughts, seems to find some sort of balance, it just calms down. It’s similar to a rough sea calming down after a storm. I simply feel more at peace and rejuvenated.
Here are the 10 audio tracks, you will get in this program:
- Track 1: Body Scan
- This track connects you to the present moment, and systematically helps you relax your mind and body.
- Track 2: Boat Ride of Calm
- This track uses visualization to help you quickly invoke calm.
- Track 3: Three Part Breathing
- Based on a powerful yoga breathing technique, explore different styles of breath which can help to calm the mind & body, increase oxygen supply to the blood, and release tension.
- Track 4: A Calmer Breath
- Strengthen your mind-body connection and create calmness
- Track 5: Declutter & Create Space
- This track combines many of the techniques from previous tracks, to allow for a deeper exploration.
- Track 6: Find Your Calm
- This track introduces affirmations as a path to calmness.
- Track 7: A Tranquil Journey
- Lie back and follow the calming story line with your imagination.
- Track 8: Turning Anxiety into Love & Joy
- This track combines all the techniques – breathing, body awareness and imagination to help you release anxiety & return to love and joy.
- Track 9: Bonus 15 Minute Mind-Body Relaxation
- This bonus 15 minute session is for those times you need a longer and deeper mind body relaxation.
- Track 10: Delta Sleep Track
- Listen to this once you are in bed ready to sleep. Let the track release you from the thoughts of the day and sink you into a deep relaxing sleep.
What is so special about these audio tracks ?
This program uses Binaural Tones, that are different frequencies of sound which are incorporated in the music to be played in each ear. Researchers believe these tones activate specific systems within the brain, which boost the natural relaxation response in the body, reduces anxiety, stress and fosters positive mood.
Try a different track each day for the first week, then listen to whatever track suits your mood. Ideally listen with stereo headphones. It’s best to download all tracks in your phone or tablet and listen to them at your convenience.
What else you get ? Bonus!
- Bonus #1:The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
- This ebook contains real life stories of people who have overcome the roadblocks that have held them in the past by following a continuous practice of mindfulness. You will find Greg’s story in this book.
- Bonus #2:Your Little Book of Mindfulness Excercises
- This ebook presents you great mindfulness exercises that you can use anytime; at home, at work or any other time you find your mind getting swept away with negative thoughts.
- Bonus #3: Mindful Millionaire Formula
- This ebook teaches you 20 mindset traits that millionaire live by, apply these habits and personality traits and transform your financial life.
- Bonus #4:Your Ultimate Love Life Plan
- This is audio interview with Bob Grant (Who is a Licensed Professional Counselor). Get some insights about how to nurture love that is romantic and have fulfilling relationships.
- Bonus #5:Audio Book – The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook
- This is an audio book version of The Seven Minute Mindfulness Guidebook. For people who don’t have the time to read, you can listen and enjoy whenever and where ever you like.
(Please note, as I write this post, the above bonuses are a part of this program).
How much does it cost ?
You are probably wondering how much does this program cost ? Honestly speaking, it is available at a highly discounted price at $17. In this price you can afford a Domino’s Pizza for your entire family ? Right!
So if you can afford a Pizza, I am sure you don’t mind investing in yourself. Please note as i write this post, this course is available at this price. In future the price may change.
Is this for you ?
- If you cannot take out 7 minutes for yourself during the day, then you can skip this program.
- However, If you wish to build a mindfulness practice, and you are willing to invest 7 minutes, then you should definitely give this program a try.
You get a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
Greg has covered you, if you are not happy with the program, you can claim your money back within 60 days. I look at this Money Back Guarantee as a challenge.
Can you commit yourself to practice mindfulness for the next 60 days ? Come what may I will take out 7 minutes daily for my mindfulness practice and listen to these audio tracks. Frankly speaking you have nothing to lose, I think you should give it a try.
Final Thoughts
As I mentioned at the very beginning of this post, I needed your 5 minutes. If you are still with me, I want to thank you for giving me your time. If I have the last 30 seconds left, here are my final thoughts.
If you are constantly battling with anxiety, stress and seeking ways to find inner peace, then I urge you to dedicate 7 minutes a day to train your mind. The choice is yours, I wish you good luck.
Please note I receive compensation if you click on any links mentioned in this post to purchase a product or service from the third party website. Also, purchasing a product or service from above links does not increase your purchase price, however it is a great way to thank me if you enjoy my content and find my suggestions useful. I only recommend products and services that I have personally used or thoroughly researched.
Hi Satish,
I have begun to practice mindfulness here recently. I will admit I do not know much about it other than it is supposed to interrupt your constant stream of thought so that you can practice being in the here and now. This product sounds amazing and perfect for me.
As I said, I am just beginning, so I am not even sure I like mindfulness yet. However, for that cheap of a price and a money-back guarantee, I am not sure I can go wrong. I am going to give it a try. Thank you for taking the time to do such a thorough review.
Hi Dovey,
Yes you are right, mindfulness is a practice that trains your mind to stay focused in the present moment at any give point of time. It is about about engaging your 5 senses i.e. See – Hear – Smell – Feel – Taste at any given moment.
The objective is to stop the mind by going on autopilot and deliberately brings the focus on the NOW.
This is unique program specifically designed to experience the benefits of mindfulness in just 7 minutes. As you are new to this, I am sure this program will be a great starting point. Also, always remember the key thing is consistent practice, I wish you all the best – Stay Blessed ?
Hi Satish,
Mindfulness is a great concept to practice, but some people can feel lost at where to start. It sounds like this program could be a great place to start, and given the low cost there isn’t much of a barrier to learning how to benefit from mindfulness! I’m always looking for new resources for clients, so this is something I’ll check out!
Hi Zak,
Yes indeed Zak, Mindfulness is a fabulous practice. In fact, I would say Mindfulness is an extension of meditation. Often it is observed when we meditate, we feel at peace for that very moment but after that our mind is again buzzing with thoughts.
So if we can incorporate mindfulness as a practice throughout the day, then you would begin to experience peace and stability all day. Wishing you luck with the course – Stay Blessed ?
Hi Satish,
Honestly, I have heard a lot about Mindfulness and it’s benefits but was not sure how to practice it.
I wouldn’t mind investing just $17 on myself. It’s not just an ordinary investment, it’s an investment on my health and mental wellbeing. Having less stress, anxiety and inner peace goes a long way in boosting my health and protecting me from stress-related health problems.
After going through this post,in my opinion, this program will only enhance my wellbeing. Thanks a lot for bringing this to our attention!
Hi Daniel,
Indeed, Mindfulness is a great practice, which can be done anytime during the day to calm down the frenzy mind.
The best part of this course is it just takes “7 Minutes”. I wish you the very best with this course – Stay Blessed ?
Hi Satish,
The beginning of the article sounds exactly where I am. I’m interested in mindfulness and have tried it, but I have not made it part of my everyday life. This sounds like a great product to help me with that. Thanks for an excellent post!
Hi Joonas,
Yes making it a part of daily routine is vital to experience the benefits of Mindfulness.
I wish you the very best with this program – Stay Blessed ?
Hi Satish,
What a great post.
I have been doing a lot of meditation recently and I can say it work by decreasing stress.
I have never heard of the 7 minutes mindfulness. It is so interesting that there is a program like this to help one not only in decreasing stress but also finding love and amplifying relationships (on bonus number 4).
You are right daily work can make a huge difference and I have seen this. I may be buying this product soon.
Thanx again
Hi Thabo,
Glad to know that you enjoyed the post. Good to know that you have a meditation practice and it is helping you in reducing stress. Mindfulness is an extension of meditation, the best part of about mindfulness (once you start practicing) is that it helps you be more in the present moment. Being in the present, improves your focus and enables you to take more action. The more action you take, the more progress you make in life.
So if you notice there are times in life wherein we sulk and feel as if I am stuck in life. Familiar ? By practicing daily meditation and being mindful throughout the day will help you overcome such difficult / challenging situations. I wish you success with this course – Stay Blessed 🙂
Hi Satish,
I’ve heard mindfulness mentioned in work but didn’t know too much about it. I really liked how your article details each step as you move through the tracks. Having recently started to experience bad anxiety myself I feel like investing in this would be worthwhile. Thank you for taking the time to talk about it.
Hi Alun,
I am sure you will be able reduce your anxiety with a regular mindfulness practice. Thank you for taking your time to go through the post and your comment. I wish you success with this course ~ Stay Blessed 🙂
Hi Satish,
Thanks for sharing this great info. I think that experiencing the benefits of mindfulness
can be a step forward in every person’s life quality
It is that quote ”mente sana in corpore sana” which means – healthy mind in a healthy body
But I think the opposite works the same, doesn’t it?
A body can be healthier if the mind is healthy … Cheers!
Hi Marian,
Yes…I completely agree with you. A healthy mind will lead to health body.
Mindfulness has numerous benefits, however the only way you can experience all the benefits is by making mindfulness a regular practice. This course helps you build that habit. The commitment which is required from your end is just 7 minutes a day. I wish you success with this course ~ Stay Blessed 🙂
Hello Satish,
This was an informative read. I’ve never given too much thought to this idea of Mindfulness but now that I’ve read a bit more about it in your article I think I could find myself getting into it. As someone who feels stressed a lot I think putting some of this to practice could really help make my day to day better.
Hi Tyler,
Yes indeed, a daily practice of mindfulness will definitely make you more calm and at peace. The reason behind this is very simple: Mindfulness puts a break to buzzing mind. It helps you to observe your thoughts and as you observe your thoughts, you take the emotions out of it. I wish you the very best with your mindfulness practice ~ Stay Blessed 🙂
Hi Satish,
Very interesting article on the 7 minute mindfulness technique. I, like you, find that fact that only 7 minutes at a time is needed to accomplish this is very attractive, as my schedule can be quite busy. Seems amazing that so much can be improved on in such a short span of time. I know that breathing is a very important component to relaxation, and achieving a mind body balance as I have studied it in my Natural Health degree program. It is very important to teach people these techniques due to most of us being over stressed, and we all know what too much stress can lead to, and none of it is good. Thank you for sharing this important information. Tom
Hi Tom,
Yes I agree with you Tom, breathing is a vital component for relaxation. Just observing your breath for a count of 1 to 10 will make you more peaceful and relaxed. Mindfulness This course has two tracks (Track 3 & 4) which are designed to focus on your breath to release tension, stress and create calmness. All this can happen in 7 Minutes ~ Stay Blessed 🙂
Hello Satish,
I enjoyed this post!
This sounds like quite an amazing deal and I will look into it more. You clearly showed the many positive benefits of this program and I especially like how easy this could be to implement in my day.
Thanks for a very informative and helpful article!
Hi Jesse,
Thank you for taking out time to read the post. I wish you success with this course ~ Stay Blessed 🙂
Hi Satish,
This is really great. I have heard about Mindfulness and Meditation. I have been contemplating to take out some time out from the hustle and bustle of daily life and start practicing mindfulness. This course seems to be great starting point, the fact that it requires on 7 minutes is great. I am going for this – Thanks Satish.
Hi Sue,
You are right, this course is great starting point for someone who is new to all this. Make mindfulness on a daily basis and you will notice the difference. I wish you all the very best with this course ~ Stay Blessed 🙂